Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Would you care for some tea?

Of course darling! Oh and could you pass the crumpets?

So the nation is gearing up for this "wedding of the century" between Prince William and Kate. I am in no way contributing to all the hype....however! I will be on my couch at 4am with my mother watching the whole ordeal. Its only because we will be drinking mimosas that I will be up at that god-awful hour. I hope she can find a nice champagne or sparkly wine to use, because I'm not a champagne fan at least for the ones I had so far.

I remember she brought up this bottle of champagne to a hotel when we were celebrating my dad's birthday and yuck!! It was the worst thing I had ever tasted. It was a pretty fancy type if I recall, but it was so bad. *laughs* I felt bad because she was trying to make it special for my dad.

So yeah, Friday morning that's where I'll be. Not sure if pictures will follow. But then who really wants to see me at that hour?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They call me dangerous

You must have some idea of how unsafe driving can be. Lets take it a step further. Do you have any idea how dangerous it can be? I do, especially if there is a distraction while approaching the on ramp and cruising home from work at 8:15pm doing 80ish mph on the highway. Let add in that distraction shall we? A spider happily frolicking to and fro across the inside of my windshield. Sitting in the driver's seat at that moment wasn't where I wanted to be. I froze. Swerved a little. I drove faster than I should, shifting my eyes back and forth across the window and clutching a shoe in one hand.

This is not the first run in I've had with a spider in my car and it probably won't be the last. Luckily it has been a number of months since the last incident. But yeck!!!! I can't stand spiders (with the exception of daddy long legs). I had creep crawly feelings the entire ride home. I'm officially cleaning my car tomorrow, inside and out. I was also reading some online stuff about ways to get rid of spiders. Some little odd tidbits (not sure if they're true so don't go quotin'), apparently they aren't too fond of chestnuts. Maybe I'll must fill my car to the brim with nuts. Of course I would have a different and more noticeable problem: squirrels. I've heard they don't take to citrus either. I'll have to remember to spritz my car with a little lemon here and there.

Looking on the bright side of things, I won this battle because that little spider met the business end of that shoe I was holding. Take that you evil creepy crawly. You have been squished!

Monday, April 18, 2011


I'm just sitting here on the couch enjoying a nice and large glass of red wine. I'm getting ready to tackle my cousin's existentialism paper for his introductory philosophy course. The wine for the most part is to get me through the philosophy part. I can't stand it. Everything is so repetitive but I'll get through this paper thanks to this glass. So far I haven't seen too much wrong with it. His paragraphs are a little long, the opening was a page and a half on its own, and the works cited was jumbled but so far that's all I've seen. I can't do much about the repetition bit because well that seems to be how writing philosophy works.

I'm also spying on my neighbor across the street. He was making a lot of ruckus while bringing out the trash. All kinds of banging and clamering around. He then got into his car and drove down the street for about 5minutes and pulled back into the driveway. Very strange indeed.

Also there is nothing on tv tonight. I did manage to find some new Paranormal State.

I tried texting Sam but as usual he is busy catching those perps and will hear from him later tonight. Things have been good between us. Because of both our jobs we only get to see one another a couple of times a month maybe about once or twice a week, but the relationship isn't strained in any way, shape or form at least from my perspective. Plus I think we make up for one each others absences in the time we do spend with one another. *big smiles* Just thinking about it makes me can't wait to see him in a few days.

Debating if I should go to the gym tomorrow. I probably should. I guess I will. I guess I'll just send my cousin his paper back with my suggestions. I don't want to proof the whole thing because I kind of want him to see if he can find where he should make changes, but I might go through it anyways.

Good night and have the sweetest of dreams Lobo my dear.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It comes with a cost

I just got my key at 5 from Carol and I now have new responsibilities to bear with this small brass/metal device. Instead of locking just the front outside door, I must lock the door leading into the concourse as well when I leave. Apparently someone came in, I assume during the game, came into the office and stole some money out of one of the offices. Carol assured me it was not my fault. Well of course it wasn't my fault! I did exactly what I was supposed to do - lock the front door. What happens in that office after I leave I can't be held accountable for. But I thanked her for her assurance.

I didn't see an interoffice email about it, so I think only a few individuals are aware of the situation. So we'll see what happens.

Workout log:
Arm curls (biceps): 2 sets 12 reps @ 20lbs; 1 set 12 reps @ 15lbs
Eliptical: 30min + 5min cooldown, 2.42 miles, 3955 strides, 218 calories
Post workout: tall glass of chocolate milk. Yummy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm moving up in the world, Lobo love. I'm finally getting a key to the front office for weekends!! I hate coming in on time on the weekends and standing outside knocking for 5-10minutes. So waiting for me on Monday, should hopefully be a bright and shiny new key.

A couple that came in today, brought a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest into the office. The poor little thing had broken its leg in the fall and had the thigh bone prodtruding from it. I hope it wasn't in too much pain. They were going to take it to the wildlife hospital but they're closed until Monday. I decided to hold the little peep for a bit to keep him warm since they only had paper napkins in the box. Maybe it relieved a little bit of his pain.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Lobo, I'm a failure! No really, I am. It's already April and I haven't stuck to one of my resolutions. My story is still the same as it was but I've been gradually easing back into it. Job wise I'm bleck; I'm at the stadium but only for a couple of hours everyday in the evening but I'm actively sending out my resume and scouraging the earth for either something else or to add on as a second job. With exercise I've been really slacking. The 5K was really the only exercising I've done all year to date and that just needs to change. I NEED to stick to these resolutions!

My mom and I did hit the gym today for about an hour. It wasn't too bad. Here's what I did:
35 minutes (that's including the 5 minute cooldown) on the Eliptical burning 210 calories, going approximately 2.34 miles at 3,663 strides.
Arm Curls (working the biceps) 2 sets of 12 repetitions lifting at 20lbs with a short break to stretch inbetween sets.

Usually, I like to also work the triceps, shoulders and back but will probably save that for Monday. I don't want to do everything all at once. Then to balance everything out once I was home, I enjoyed a rather large glass of chocolate milk. I had read in the Woman's World magazine to drink chocolate milk in order to avoid those post-workout blahs. That "chocolate milk is proven to reduce inflammation, plus soothe hurt muscles and boost their strength within two weeks. ...Women who drink it after exercise lose twice as much body fat as those who sip sports drinks, studies suggest." All you have to do is have a 8-16oz glass of it within 30minutes of the workout. So we'll see if it changes anything.

Well I have work again at 5, last night wasn't too eventful, and I should be seeing Sam it'll be a good night for me. If work gets too boring I may update again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bite me

I'm not in a bad mood Lobo. I just haven't been motivated to do much writing. I'm trying to devote that to my book...but that hasn't been happening. Though I can report I have written 6 pages today. I'm now 6 pages closer to finishing.

I've been enjoying my week off from the stadium as we transition from the hectic Spring Training into the lazy days of the Florida State League (FSL). I'll be sitting behind that lovely desk once again on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it, getting to work obviously but also getting to know the interns a little better. Hopefully Jim will be back to work as well; he had a heart attack and bypass last month. He was able to make it out to a few games during his recovery and he looked like he was doing well. He said he was hoping to come back but was also looking forward to some traveling as well. But I'm doing a little pre-preparation for work at the desk. I've started compiling my folder with forms as master copies and calendars, as well as a folder on my computer with everything too so I can knock those people flat on their asses when they come to me with questions.

My mom and I participated and completed our 5K Memory Walk hosted in Port St. Lucie on the 26th. It was really a great event and thanks to those who donated to our team especially. I should send out thank yous here shortly. I had a lot of fun doing it and I'm looking forward to another. And not just another walk for Alzheimer, just another walk in general for any cause. I was actually surprised, and I think my mom was too by how much energy I had that morning.

Also, Sam's home makeover is just about complete. I think there are only 3 rooms left to paint. Last week we saw the completion of his kitchen granite countertops and the installation of tile floors throughout the whole house. And he got new living room furniture and entertainment set since the tile guys kinda-sorta messed up on his existing tables and tried to hide it. The good thing though is that they are making granite pieces to go over them, so that should turn out really nice.

I think that sums up just about everything so far. I'll have more to talk about tomorrow and of course Thursday, probably will be done during work.

Until then, sleep well my Lobo.