Store closings mean storewide clearance sales! We just picked up a Nordictrack treadmill regularly at $1300 for a wopping $700!! Talk about a win. Sam has used it a few times already but I have yet to clock some mileage. I've been meaning too because the both of us need to get back in shape. I'm not happy at the weight I am and unfortunately its all gone to my belly and my thighs just a smidge. Becoming recently fully employed working 40+ hours 5 days a week, I just don't feel energized to jump on a treadmill even if its for an hour or so. I need to though and have been meaning too for the past week.
I'm currently an unappetizing 146 lbs. Makes me cringe that Sam still finds me attractive. But I guess I could say the same about him. He thinks he looks disgusting with his belly and I find him still as sexy as ever. I'd like to get back down to my 125 range. Once there I can finally get my tattoo!!! I'll either get my left shoulder done or start my lower back. Both I've wanted for a few years now. Hopefully my lower back one won't be too expensive....I had gotten it priced once at a shop near my college. The price I was told was a bit high and that artist does tend to over charge. I think it was around $300 just for the outline. I decided to just stick with the shop that I got my first tattoo. They were reasonable and I liked the shop atmosphere. I've since added another element to the tattoo, which I may or may not keep. I just hope I'm not getting in over my head.
I'll be posting updates now and again.