I am again looking to go back to school but this time I'm more serious about applying and getting there. I've decided not to go right for a Master's. I've come to realize that I'd be too much pressure on my shoulders that I don't need. Not to mention that my baccalaureate's focus was Psychology and no real basis in Wildlife/Zoology, which is what most people will have in the program. I've decided on getting my AA at a local community college now a full state college and then eventually transferring to a state university to complete a bachelors.
Lobo, I wish I could report that all is going well but incompetency is halting my efforts. On this one college's website it has, like many do, the option of "Requesting More Information" on the school or the program you're looking into. I filled out the form after looking around their website, even saying I was interested in the Forestry, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program. I got an email back from woman pretty much describing everything I found on their front page and also telling me that I had to apply/register or enrolling before I could speak to anyone about the program. She also mentioned the Parks and Recreation Management program.
Definitely not the program I had originally mentioned. I emailed her back thanking her for her quick response and what not, and if the program she mentioned was different than the one I had originally inquired about.
She got back to me saying that she didn't know and that a counselor would have to go over the courses with me further. .....If she didn't know than she shouldn't have mentioned it. And being that her title of "Information Specialist", I would think that would somewhat qualify her to have information on the subject. She then preceeded to tell me that I really had to enroll before any further information or meeting with a counselor could be arranged. .......I'm not about to shell out money for having transcripts and test scores sent to them, and register for a program that might not be the one I'm interested in without getting further information on the program.
Whatever, I just told her after all that, that I was just going to come to a campus to get information from someone in person. I also emailed someone else that I was considering applying to their school and was thinking of a campus visit and such to get more information. So, we'll see how the rest of this goes and I hope its more smoothly than the previous email corespondance.
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