Sunday, March 4, 2012


Store closings mean storewide clearance sales! We just picked up a Nordictrack treadmill regularly at $1300 for a wopping $700!! Talk about a win. Sam has used it a few times already but I have yet to clock some mileage. I've been meaning too because the both of us need to get back in shape. I'm not happy at the weight I am and unfortunately its all gone to my belly and my thighs just a smidge. Becoming recently fully employed working 40+ hours 5 days a week, I just don't feel energized to jump on a treadmill even if its for an hour or so. I need to though and have been meaning too for the past week.

I'm currently an unappetizing 146 lbs. Makes me cringe that Sam still finds me attractive. But I guess I could say the same about him. He thinks he looks disgusting with his belly and I find him still as sexy as ever. I'd like to get back down to my 125 range. Once there I can finally get my tattoo!!! I'll either get my left shoulder done or start my lower back. Both I've wanted for a few years now. Hopefully my lower back one won't be too expensive....I had gotten it priced once at a shop near my college. The price I was told was a bit high and that artist does tend to over charge. I think it was around $300 just for the outline. I decided to just stick with the shop that I got my first tattoo. They were reasonable and I liked the shop atmosphere. I've since added another element to the tattoo, which I may or may not keep. I just hope I'm not getting in over my head.

I'll be posting updates now and again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Neglect is an awful thing

October to December...that's quite an absence I've created. Great news: I have a job!!! Woo to full-time employment. But bleh to being exhausted and stressed on a constant basis.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Water under the bridge

A few hours ago, I finished posting to Facebook of our trip to Tampa for Monday Night Football. I got some of what I consider good ones of him since he never really lets me take pictures of him.

His younger sister, my best friend from high school has commented on one or two of them so far, and I'm contemplating on removing the comments. With their family, I'm still adjusting, sometimes an insult can be a term of endearment. Early in our relationship, he would occasionally say he hated me though he really didn't. I expressed my distaste with the phrase, mostly with the tone in which it was said but any way he knows my feelings on it and doesn't use the phrase much if at all with me anymore. Back to his sister. She commented on one that he was "an ugly bastard". The second picture she commented on him being "an ugly piece of poop".

I'm probably blowing this out of the water because I know she most likely doesn't mean what she says and loves him very much.

Gah it's just frustrating and a little hurtful at the same time.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm officially on Night Watch

I'm now in my 3rd night of watching my Grandpa at night. My shifts go from 11pm-7am. I should keep a notebook keeping track on when he wakes up during the night, if he's unsteady or not, etc.

Actually watching him is weighing on my depression. After he gets up that first time, which will probably come around 1am, any who when he goes back to bed he spends at least the next 20 minutes moaning and carrying on "Oh god oh god oh god," etc. He had one line the other night that really kept me up, brought my Aunt to tears when I told her and my Mom today. He said that he should be dead and they should just come and end it already. It gets hard to lay there and listen to things like that.

I wonder if the other nurses that watch him have similar feelings though they don't have that emotional attachment to him. I love him and stuff, obiviously because he's my Grandpa, but it's rough.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Soon to be employed?

I just finished brushing up two different cover letters for two different Publixes. One is for the store Sam recommended because he used to work with the guy who manages it and the other is for a store a little closer to his house. I'm hoping with that I'll be able to move in with him. So we'll see. I'm hoping I'll make enough, short drive will help now, to be able to contribute $400 a month to stay in the house.

On a different note, my aunt and mom were talking today about getting someone to stay with my Grandpa I think mostly at night at either his assisted living center or the house. He has Alzheimer's/Dementia and is quickly getting worse. My mom and aunt are looking to "recruit" me once my stint at the stadium ends here on Tuesday. They're talking about paying me $10 an hour. A perk is that I won't have taxes coming out of that. Plus, they know me and I think that was one of their larger issues, getting someone who was aware of his situation. So I don't think I really have a choice in that matter.

Another option, though wouldn't be high paying but still tax free would be dog sitting again for the couple I was sitting for end of last year and beginning of this year. I had to stop because my stadium position caused conflicts in the scheduling. They got another sitter but she was going back up to college I guess last week now. They had contacted me probably at the start of August to see if I could sit with their dogs again. I would like to tell them yes, but I really can't sustain myself on $5 an hour (if that's still the rate) and expect to move in with Sam. I could give them my schedule if they need me as a backup sitter, if scheduling doesn't conflict that is.

I just wish I could do it all and please everyone :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Back to School

I am again looking to go back to school but this time I'm more serious about applying and getting there. I've decided not to go right for a Master's. I've come to realize that I'd be too much pressure on my shoulders that I don't need. Not to mention that my baccalaureate's focus was Psychology and no real basis in Wildlife/Zoology, which is what most people will have in the program. I've decided on getting my AA at a local community college now a full state college and then eventually transferring to a state university to complete a bachelors.

Lobo, I wish I could report that all is going well but incompetency is halting my efforts. On this one college's website it has, like many do, the option of "Requesting More Information" on the school or the program you're looking into. I filled out the form after looking around their website, even saying I was interested in the Forestry, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program. I got an email back from woman pretty  much describing everything I found on their front page and also telling me that I had to apply/register or enrolling before I could speak to anyone about the program. She also mentioned the Parks and Recreation Management program.

Definitely not the program I had originally mentioned. I emailed her back thanking her for her quick response and what not, and if the program she mentioned was different than the one I had originally inquired about.

She got back to me saying that she didn't know and that a counselor would have to go over the courses with me further. .....If she didn't know than she shouldn't have mentioned it. And being that her title of "Information Specialist", I would think that would somewhat qualify her to have information on the subject. She then preceeded to tell me that I really had to enroll before any further information or meeting with a counselor could be arranged. .......I'm not about to shell out money for having transcripts and test scores sent to them, and register for a program that might not be the one I'm interested in without getting further information on the program.

Whatever, I just told her after all that, that I was just going to come to a campus to get information from someone in person. I also emailed someone else that I was considering applying to their school and was thinking of a campus visit and such to get more information. So, we'll see how the rest of this goes and I hope its more smoothly than the previous email corespondance.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nothing yet...

Darling Lobo, I know it feels like I've abandoned you. I've been busy to say the least between my parents leaving and returning after a week for the Dominican Republic, cat sitting, dog sitting, Grandpa sitting, work at the stadium and sending out more applications for jobs close to home.

I've been applying to this one kennel and the process has taken just about a month and I'm not sure I'll be able to share the fruits of that labor. Applying to them was just exhaustive! I found their ad in the paper on May 29 (Sunday), I called the number right away and got the voicemail. Understandable. It was Memorial Day weekend so I figured they were probably busy. I left my name and number and some of my animal care experience. On June 5, one week later, I get a call back from a woman saying to send in my resume and they'll send me back an application. I can do so either by email or fax; I opt for email since its easier for me and I don't have immediate access to a fax machine. As soon as I get off the phone with her, I'm on my email clicking send.

Then I wait. I wait until Friday, the 10th but still no word. So I send a follow up email explaining the whole process and wanting to know the status of said resume and position. The weekend goes by but still no response. I wait another day or two after Sunday before giving them another call, getting the voicemail again I explain my predicament of when I first called, when someone called me back and when I sent in my emails. And more importantly that I'm still interested in applying to the position. I think it was the 15th or 16th before I got a call. They wanted and were waiting for me to send in my resume. I thought you've got to be kidding me, that's what I was trying to do all last week. So I explained everything above and the woman said to send it through the fax. I said I would try and it may be a day or two before I get access to one. I got off the phone and immediately sent another email with my resume and just about everything you see above including the possible wait for the fax. I was able to get a neighbor to send my resume and a cover letter over to them but have yet to hear anything back.

And yesterday, I applied to another small animal clinic and kennel. Luckily you had to fill out the application in person so I know they received it. It was a nice and quaint little facility and everyone were quite nice.

*fingers crossed*