Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Water under the bridge

A few hours ago, I finished posting to Facebook of our trip to Tampa for Monday Night Football. I got some of what I consider good ones of him since he never really lets me take pictures of him.

His younger sister, my best friend from high school has commented on one or two of them so far, and I'm contemplating on removing the comments. With their family, I'm still adjusting, sometimes an insult can be a term of endearment. Early in our relationship, he would occasionally say he hated me though he really didn't. I expressed my distaste with the phrase, mostly with the tone in which it was said but any way he knows my feelings on it and doesn't use the phrase much if at all with me anymore. Back to his sister. She commented on one that he was "an ugly bastard". The second picture she commented on him being "an ugly piece of poop".

I'm probably blowing this out of the water because I know she most likely doesn't mean what she says and loves him very much.

Gah it's just frustrating and a little hurtful at the same time.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm officially on Night Watch

I'm now in my 3rd night of watching my Grandpa at night. My shifts go from 11pm-7am. I should keep a notebook keeping track on when he wakes up during the night, if he's unsteady or not, etc.

Actually watching him is weighing on my depression. After he gets up that first time, which will probably come around 1am, any who when he goes back to bed he spends at least the next 20 minutes moaning and carrying on "Oh god oh god oh god," etc. He had one line the other night that really kept me up, brought my Aunt to tears when I told her and my Mom today. He said that he should be dead and they should just come and end it already. It gets hard to lay there and listen to things like that.

I wonder if the other nurses that watch him have similar feelings though they don't have that emotional attachment to him. I love him and stuff, obiviously because he's my Grandpa, but it's rough.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Soon to be employed?

I just finished brushing up two different cover letters for two different Publixes. One is for the store Sam recommended because he used to work with the guy who manages it and the other is for a store a little closer to his house. I'm hoping with that I'll be able to move in with him. So we'll see. I'm hoping I'll make enough, short drive will help now, to be able to contribute $400 a month to stay in the house.

On a different note, my aunt and mom were talking today about getting someone to stay with my Grandpa I think mostly at night at either his assisted living center or the house. He has Alzheimer's/Dementia and is quickly getting worse. My mom and aunt are looking to "recruit" me once my stint at the stadium ends here on Tuesday. They're talking about paying me $10 an hour. A perk is that I won't have taxes coming out of that. Plus, they know me and I think that was one of their larger issues, getting someone who was aware of his situation. So I don't think I really have a choice in that matter.

Another option, though wouldn't be high paying but still tax free would be dog sitting again for the couple I was sitting for end of last year and beginning of this year. I had to stop because my stadium position caused conflicts in the scheduling. They got another sitter but she was going back up to college I guess last week now. They had contacted me probably at the start of August to see if I could sit with their dogs again. I would like to tell them yes, but I really can't sustain myself on $5 an hour (if that's still the rate) and expect to move in with Sam. I could give them my schedule if they need me as a backup sitter, if scheduling doesn't conflict that is.

I just wish I could do it all and please everyone :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Back to School

I am again looking to go back to school but this time I'm more serious about applying and getting there. I've decided not to go right for a Master's. I've come to realize that I'd be too much pressure on my shoulders that I don't need. Not to mention that my baccalaureate's focus was Psychology and no real basis in Wildlife/Zoology, which is what most people will have in the program. I've decided on getting my AA at a local community college now a full state college and then eventually transferring to a state university to complete a bachelors.

Lobo, I wish I could report that all is going well but incompetency is halting my efforts. On this one college's website it has, like many do, the option of "Requesting More Information" on the school or the program you're looking into. I filled out the form after looking around their website, even saying I was interested in the Forestry, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program. I got an email back from woman pretty  much describing everything I found on their front page and also telling me that I had to apply/register or enrolling before I could speak to anyone about the program. She also mentioned the Parks and Recreation Management program.

Definitely not the program I had originally mentioned. I emailed her back thanking her for her quick response and what not, and if the program she mentioned was different than the one I had originally inquired about.

She got back to me saying that she didn't know and that a counselor would have to go over the courses with me further. .....If she didn't know than she shouldn't have mentioned it. And being that her title of "Information Specialist", I would think that would somewhat qualify her to have information on the subject. She then preceeded to tell me that I really had to enroll before any further information or meeting with a counselor could be arranged. .......I'm not about to shell out money for having transcripts and test scores sent to them, and register for a program that might not be the one I'm interested in without getting further information on the program.

Whatever, I just told her after all that, that I was just going to come to a campus to get information from someone in person. I also emailed someone else that I was considering applying to their school and was thinking of a campus visit and such to get more information. So, we'll see how the rest of this goes and I hope its more smoothly than the previous email corespondance.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nothing yet...

Darling Lobo, I know it feels like I've abandoned you. I've been busy to say the least between my parents leaving and returning after a week for the Dominican Republic, cat sitting, dog sitting, Grandpa sitting, work at the stadium and sending out more applications for jobs close to home.

I've been applying to this one kennel and the process has taken just about a month and I'm not sure I'll be able to share the fruits of that labor. Applying to them was just exhaustive! I found their ad in the paper on May 29 (Sunday), I called the number right away and got the voicemail. Understandable. It was Memorial Day weekend so I figured they were probably busy. I left my name and number and some of my animal care experience. On June 5, one week later, I get a call back from a woman saying to send in my resume and they'll send me back an application. I can do so either by email or fax; I opt for email since its easier for me and I don't have immediate access to a fax machine. As soon as I get off the phone with her, I'm on my email clicking send.

Then I wait. I wait until Friday, the 10th but still no word. So I send a follow up email explaining the whole process and wanting to know the status of said resume and position. The weekend goes by but still no response. I wait another day or two after Sunday before giving them another call, getting the voicemail again I explain my predicament of when I first called, when someone called me back and when I sent in my emails. And more importantly that I'm still interested in applying to the position. I think it was the 15th or 16th before I got a call. They wanted and were waiting for me to send in my resume. I thought you've got to be kidding me, that's what I was trying to do all last week. So I explained everything above and the woman said to send it through the fax. I said I would try and it may be a day or two before I get access to one. I got off the phone and immediately sent another email with my resume and just about everything you see above including the possible wait for the fax. I was able to get a neighbor to send my resume and a cover letter over to them but have yet to hear anything back.

And yesterday, I applied to another small animal clinic and kennel. Luckily you had to fill out the application in person so I know they received it. It was a nice and quaint little facility and everyone were quite nice.

*fingers crossed*

Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm here again at these crossroads. Looking for a job and looking about going back to school for some kind of degree. I've been expanding my search to include online schools and degrees. I'll have to do some more researching about the credibility of these online programs like Penn Foster, Kaplan, Capella, etc.

I would like to work with wildlife in some capacity, most specificly wolves. I am thinking about Wildlife Conservation, Animal Ecology and Animal Ethology. I would love to find a Wolf Studies program here in the states.

I'm also trying to get a job in the animal field in some way or another. Which isn't too easy if you don't have any experience already. Its like a double edged sword. In order to apply for a job that calls for experience you have to have the experience, only to get the experience you would have to have the job but can't for lack of experience....Its like impossible!! I'm still trying, hoping not to let that set back get me down.

I'm trying to get back into painting...Sam is overdue for the painting he's been asking for since he first moved into the house last year. I have a few that are laying around unfinished but I'm thinking of starting some anew.

Friday, May 27, 2011

For your honor and bravery you shall always have my respect

The American Flag does not fly because the wind moves past it. The American Flag flies from the last breath of each Solider, Sailor, Airman and Marine who has died protecting it. - Author Unknown.
Memorial day will be here on Monday and the weekend of parties start most likely tonight and well into the weekend. I won't be partaking in any kind of parties, in fact I'll be working but regardless I wouldn't be out drinking and getting crazy. I have a good handful of friends who have joined the armed services. I have one friend who recently returned from Iraq. A close friend of Sam's who graduated the academy and served in the same department just recently re-enlisted as a private contractor and is currently back in Iraq or Afghanistan.

I am thankful for their services both at home and overseas.
I am thankful, honored and blessed that I know these individuals on a personal level.
I am thankful that they have not sustained physical harm in their tours overseas or in boot camps.
I am thankful for the services of the men and women serving this country of whom I do not know.
I am thankful for your courage, selflessness and bravery to engage in battle on foreign territory.
I am thankful for those of who are able to make it back home safely, and more thankful for those who cannot. Your families have my love and prayers.
I am thankful for you.
Thank you.

Please everyone, be safe and have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. And just remember what this day was observed for.

The 1st date debate

Sam and I have been under much debate about when our 1st year anniversary is. Now this is nothing new since the discussion first started on the 1st month when we "argued" about the date. He is certain that it lands on the 29th of June, while I say it is on the 1st of July. I just let him win that one most of the time. Any who, we hadn't talked about again until his mom brought it up a few weeks ago. She asked if we had an anniversary coming up soon. We said yes on the 29th. It was only a couple days later when Sam asked what day it was really on. Again I said the 1st while he said the 29th. We're going on the first time he made dinner for us at the house. I loved that night! So lets recap it:
So despite having worked all day and having to go in early the next day, Sam was insistent that we get together and he was going to make me dinner. We had originally planned for Friday but he didn't want to wait that long. I did my best to get out of work and there on time. When I called around 8:15pm as I was walking to the parking garage, he asked how long it would take me so he could start cooking. I said that it would take about 30mins from where I work until the exit where I normally get off and then like another 20mins until I got to his place, so about an hour. To my surprise I got there in like 30mins and I swear I wasn't speeding. Rather than surprise-surprise him, I called once I was on the off-ramp to say that I was almost there. "That wasn't an hour," he replied with a laugh. I suggested driving around the block for the remaining 30. He said that sounded like a good idea and asked how long it would take me from the exit. I was like 5mins tops, I was almost to his street. He sounded a little rushed on the phone but was trying to keep it together and said he'd see me soon.

I was so proud of myself that I found his house on the first go that night! I mean its not that hard to find. The first time is understandable, his car wasn't in the drive at the time. The second time I was there, it was the middle of the night and his friend's cars were in the drive (his being in the garage). This time I knew to look for the house with one of the garage lamps out, that the house number conveniently sits under. And luckily his patrol car was in the drive. I get up to the door, knock, it takes a few minutes for him to answer and lets me in. I walked in and just about melted on the spot.

All the lights in the house were dimmed, the table was set and there were lit candles about the table and the kitchen island and counter. I was expecting maybe dinner on the couch while we watched some Dexter, definitely not this. Everything was just gorgeous...and then the lights had to come back on because dinner wasn't anywhere near ready. My fault! But we got to cuddle up on the couch together while the food finished cooking. I asked what we were having. He said his special Italian herb chicken (which I still love eating!), pasta, garlic bread and salad. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into that meal. He also said dessert. I asked what that was. His reply: cheesecake. And I remember my exact words "I'm going to marry you!" *laughs*

True story!! It was the first time I had ever had a guy cook me a candlelight dinner which was wonderful and delicious in every way imaginable. I'm pretty sure he had my heart at that moment when I walked in the house, but it was definitely the cheesecake that sealed the deal at the end *smiles* I think that was the last time we ate at the table, aside from when my parents were over a month ago. I just wonder what he has planned for our first year anniversary. I really don't mind what we do. I had the thought of getting dressed up and going out. It doesn't have to be somewhere fancy either. It'd be fun to get dressed up and eat out at the IHop or something. Though since our anniversary lands on a Wednesday there is the possibility he'll be working. We can always do it on the following week or whatever. It'll be interesting and you'll be sure to hear the details.

And to clarify, yes our anniversary does indeed fall on the 1st. Haha I was right! I know this because he worked that day and he did not work on the 29th. But we'll still end up celebrating on the 29th I'm sure, which doesn't bother me. Just, for the records, I was right *laughs*

Monday, May 23, 2011

I may have spoke too soon

So I may have spoke too soon on Friday's post about not having excitement in my life. Saturday may not have been the rapture everyone was expecting but it sure seemed like a Friday the 13th scenario. Some things happened at Sam's house which I elaborate more on here on this post.

While I was at work, it was a season ticket holder cookout that would start when gates opened at 5:30p well those old people will find any excuse to get in the stadium early including a gate opened just a smidgen and left unattended for probably no more than 5 minutes. One of the season ticket holders, Sean, who comes in everyday before gates to talk baseball with the rest of the staff came in and told us what was going on. It was all down hill from there after that.

Dinner for us and catering for the cookout event was done by Duffy's Sports Bar & Grill, one of our sponsors. This got Bryan up in a rage when he found out what dinner consisted of: spaghetti and meatballs. Pasta of all things. I agreed thinking they should have done burgers or wings...something cookout-esque. Spaghetti and meatballs is off the kids menu, Bryan went off spouting how they took the cheap avenue. The food didn't look that appetizing to begin with.

Anyway, John, the mascot guy for that night came in I guess by 5:30p and just hung out before heading down to the mascot room to get dressed a little after 6p. Everything was going smoothly in the office when John walks back in the office about 10 or 15 minutes later not dressed as the mascot. He comes up to the desk and asks if I knew where the suit was because it wasn't anywhere in room. First uh-oh moment.

Jared comes in and asks what's up as I call on the radio to Lisa if she knows where the suit is. She asks if its in the room. I say no and come to find out John says that the other suit isn't there either, which I also relay over to her. She tells me to stand by. Well it turns out that only parts of the suits are missing - the jerseys and heads. We had to end up sending the mascot home and reworking all the promotions that included the mascot, and a police report was done for theft.

When I was talking to Jim in the booth about it, he was telling me that he looked up suit prices. One mascot shoe along can cost upwards of $400! That's just one shoe. An entire suit can add up to over a couple thousand easily. One of the suits was new, but they don't last long. Just a few weeks ago the suit got a hole where the tail started to tear away from the body of the suit.

It wasn't until yesterday that we found out the suits were found by one of the clubhouse workers. The suits were found thrown over the fence. It looks like they weren't damaged which is the good thing but not good they were taken in the first place. This isn't the first incident we've had. We had an earlier theft from the office at the beginning of minor league season hence the reason for me having to lock the office doors when I leave. We've had vandalism with our golf carts and some kids took some game balls. Our office and stadium are going to have to find a way to counter these kinds of things in the future maybe they should invest in a better security system. I hope they find out what happened.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I hate being gone

Lobo sweet, I bet you're having feelings of abandonment. You are aren't you? I'd be feeling that way too if I disappeared for (quick look at calendar since last update) 15 days.

I've missed you!

Vacation was good. The wedding was beautiful and the trip to Grandma's was long but worth it.

I think I was just hit on by one of the maintenance men here at work. ...

Not sure that any thing else has been going on though. I'm still at the stadium and still looking for a new job with no such luck. I've uploaded my resume up on Monster and am starting to regret it. I finally went shooting with Sam. That was fun and exciting, can't wait to get back on the range.

I wish my life was more exciting so I could have something to write up about.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Only a couple of more hours and I'll be on my way to Jacksonville with my parents for a friend of the family's wedding and then Georgia to visit with Grandma for Mother's Day. I'll more than likely be without internet except at the hotel but then who knows if I'll even attempt at logging on. For the most part I will be un-blogable for just shy of a week. Stay tuned for my return.

Make sure to feed Lobo with comments and love. The poor creature does get lonely :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

10 years

(Disclaimer: I don't want this post to spark any kind of hateful thoughts or comments. They are not welcomed here so don't post them. If you do, then so help you for I will find a way to squish you. These are my personal views and they are not to be misconstrued as unpatriotic or as anything else. ...Just read and respect is all I'm asking.)

I think just about everyone living under the rug has heard about the assassination of Osama bin Laden last night...around this time actually. The majority of Americans are rejoicing and getting all patriotic because well justice has been served and it only took 10 years to get it done. I heard a news anchor actually use the term "double tap" today during a segment.

Myself though, I'm on the fence about it. I'm happy that this man has been killed because of the heinous crimes he has done and encouraged others to do but I can't say that I hated this man. Its hard to explain, I don't even understand it much. My emotions are numb. I want evidence to know for sure that he was responsible for those terrorist attacks, that he or his group orchestrated them out. I want to know for certain, without a reasonable doubt that this was his doing. None of us will ever know what happened then or now with truth and lies distorted by just about everyone. He may be dead and buried at sea but what does that mean for the rest of us? What happens to our troops overseas? What happens to those people serving that I know personally and care for? What are we celebrating for? I'm sure this will just go down in history as another day for us Americans to get drunk...

Leila K says it best on her Facebook, or rather Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr said it best:
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
Not only has she said it but so have others all across the web. Just typing in the first line of the quote generates pages of hits from Twitter, Facebook, etc. I wish more people accepted and embraced this type of thought.

I'm not sure you and everyone else, but I just feel numb and apprehensive like we should be prepared for something else. :(

Just found this via one of my cousin's wife's Facebook and I think I fall in line with his line of thought as well. Responding to the Death of Bin Laden

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Would you care for some tea?

Of course darling! Oh and could you pass the crumpets?

So the nation is gearing up for this "wedding of the century" between Prince William and Kate. I am in no way contributing to all the hype....however! I will be on my couch at 4am with my mother watching the whole ordeal. Its only because we will be drinking mimosas that I will be up at that god-awful hour. I hope she can find a nice champagne or sparkly wine to use, because I'm not a champagne fan at least for the ones I had so far.

I remember she brought up this bottle of champagne to a hotel when we were celebrating my dad's birthday and yuck!! It was the worst thing I had ever tasted. It was a pretty fancy type if I recall, but it was so bad. *laughs* I felt bad because she was trying to make it special for my dad.

So yeah, Friday morning that's where I'll be. Not sure if pictures will follow. But then who really wants to see me at that hour?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They call me dangerous

You must have some idea of how unsafe driving can be. Lets take it a step further. Do you have any idea how dangerous it can be? I do, especially if there is a distraction while approaching the on ramp and cruising home from work at 8:15pm doing 80ish mph on the highway. Let add in that distraction shall we? A spider happily frolicking to and fro across the inside of my windshield. Sitting in the driver's seat at that moment wasn't where I wanted to be. I froze. Swerved a little. I drove faster than I should, shifting my eyes back and forth across the window and clutching a shoe in one hand.

This is not the first run in I've had with a spider in my car and it probably won't be the last. Luckily it has been a number of months since the last incident. But yeck!!!! I can't stand spiders (with the exception of daddy long legs). I had creep crawly feelings the entire ride home. I'm officially cleaning my car tomorrow, inside and out. I was also reading some online stuff about ways to get rid of spiders. Some little odd tidbits (not sure if they're true so don't go quotin'), apparently they aren't too fond of chestnuts. Maybe I'll must fill my car to the brim with nuts. Of course I would have a different and more noticeable problem: squirrels. I've heard they don't take to citrus either. I'll have to remember to spritz my car with a little lemon here and there.

Looking on the bright side of things, I won this battle because that little spider met the business end of that shoe I was holding. Take that you evil creepy crawly. You have been squished!

Monday, April 18, 2011


I'm just sitting here on the couch enjoying a nice and large glass of red wine. I'm getting ready to tackle my cousin's existentialism paper for his introductory philosophy course. The wine for the most part is to get me through the philosophy part. I can't stand it. Everything is so repetitive but I'll get through this paper thanks to this glass. So far I haven't seen too much wrong with it. His paragraphs are a little long, the opening was a page and a half on its own, and the works cited was jumbled but so far that's all I've seen. I can't do much about the repetition bit because well that seems to be how writing philosophy works.

I'm also spying on my neighbor across the street. He was making a lot of ruckus while bringing out the trash. All kinds of banging and clamering around. He then got into his car and drove down the street for about 5minutes and pulled back into the driveway. Very strange indeed.

Also there is nothing on tv tonight. I did manage to find some new Paranormal State.

I tried texting Sam but as usual he is busy catching those perps and will hear from him later tonight. Things have been good between us. Because of both our jobs we only get to see one another a couple of times a month maybe about once or twice a week, but the relationship isn't strained in any way, shape or form at least from my perspective. Plus I think we make up for one each others absences in the time we do spend with one another. *big smiles* Just thinking about it makes me can't wait to see him in a few days.

Debating if I should go to the gym tomorrow. I probably should. I guess I will. I guess I'll just send my cousin his paper back with my suggestions. I don't want to proof the whole thing because I kind of want him to see if he can find where he should make changes, but I might go through it anyways.

Good night and have the sweetest of dreams Lobo my dear.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It comes with a cost

I just got my key at 5 from Carol and I now have new responsibilities to bear with this small brass/metal device. Instead of locking just the front outside door, I must lock the door leading into the concourse as well when I leave. Apparently someone came in, I assume during the game, came into the office and stole some money out of one of the offices. Carol assured me it was not my fault. Well of course it wasn't my fault! I did exactly what I was supposed to do - lock the front door. What happens in that office after I leave I can't be held accountable for. But I thanked her for her assurance.

I didn't see an interoffice email about it, so I think only a few individuals are aware of the situation. So we'll see what happens.

Workout log:
Arm curls (biceps): 2 sets 12 reps @ 20lbs; 1 set 12 reps @ 15lbs
Eliptical: 30min + 5min cooldown, 2.42 miles, 3955 strides, 218 calories
Post workout: tall glass of chocolate milk. Yummy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm moving up in the world, Lobo love. I'm finally getting a key to the front office for weekends!! I hate coming in on time on the weekends and standing outside knocking for 5-10minutes. So waiting for me on Monday, should hopefully be a bright and shiny new key.

A couple that came in today, brought a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest into the office. The poor little thing had broken its leg in the fall and had the thigh bone prodtruding from it. I hope it wasn't in too much pain. They were going to take it to the wildlife hospital but they're closed until Monday. I decided to hold the little peep for a bit to keep him warm since they only had paper napkins in the box. Maybe it relieved a little bit of his pain.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Lobo, I'm a failure! No really, I am. It's already April and I haven't stuck to one of my resolutions. My story is still the same as it was but I've been gradually easing back into it. Job wise I'm bleck; I'm at the stadium but only for a couple of hours everyday in the evening but I'm actively sending out my resume and scouraging the earth for either something else or to add on as a second job. With exercise I've been really slacking. The 5K was really the only exercising I've done all year to date and that just needs to change. I NEED to stick to these resolutions!

My mom and I did hit the gym today for about an hour. It wasn't too bad. Here's what I did:
35 minutes (that's including the 5 minute cooldown) on the Eliptical burning 210 calories, going approximately 2.34 miles at 3,663 strides.
Arm Curls (working the biceps) 2 sets of 12 repetitions lifting at 20lbs with a short break to stretch inbetween sets.

Usually, I like to also work the triceps, shoulders and back but will probably save that for Monday. I don't want to do everything all at once. Then to balance everything out once I was home, I enjoyed a rather large glass of chocolate milk. I had read in the Woman's World magazine to drink chocolate milk in order to avoid those post-workout blahs. That "chocolate milk is proven to reduce inflammation, plus soothe hurt muscles and boost their strength within two weeks. ...Women who drink it after exercise lose twice as much body fat as those who sip sports drinks, studies suggest." All you have to do is have a 8-16oz glass of it within 30minutes of the workout. So we'll see if it changes anything.

Well I have work again at 5, last night wasn't too eventful, and I should be seeing Sam it'll be a good night for me. If work gets too boring I may update again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bite me

I'm not in a bad mood Lobo. I just haven't been motivated to do much writing. I'm trying to devote that to my book...but that hasn't been happening. Though I can report I have written 6 pages today. I'm now 6 pages closer to finishing.

I've been enjoying my week off from the stadium as we transition from the hectic Spring Training into the lazy days of the Florida State League (FSL). I'll be sitting behind that lovely desk once again on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it, getting to work obviously but also getting to know the interns a little better. Hopefully Jim will be back to work as well; he had a heart attack and bypass last month. He was able to make it out to a few games during his recovery and he looked like he was doing well. He said he was hoping to come back but was also looking forward to some traveling as well. But I'm doing a little pre-preparation for work at the desk. I've started compiling my folder with forms as master copies and calendars, as well as a folder on my computer with everything too so I can knock those people flat on their asses when they come to me with questions.

My mom and I participated and completed our 5K Memory Walk hosted in Port St. Lucie on the 26th. It was really a great event and thanks to those who donated to our team especially. I should send out thank yous here shortly. I had a lot of fun doing it and I'm looking forward to another. And not just another walk for Alzheimer, just another walk in general for any cause. I was actually surprised, and I think my mom was too by how much energy I had that morning.

Also, Sam's home makeover is just about complete. I think there are only 3 rooms left to paint. Last week we saw the completion of his kitchen granite countertops and the installation of tile floors throughout the whole house. And he got new living room furniture and entertainment set since the tile guys kinda-sorta messed up on his existing tables and tried to hide it. The good thing though is that they are making granite pieces to go over them, so that should turn out really nice.

I think that sums up just about everything so far. I'll have more to talk about tomorrow and of course Thursday, probably will be done during work.

Until then, sleep well my Lobo.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

That makes me a sad panda

(image source: Facebook's Mafia Wars game)
Found this cute little creature while playing Mafia Wars. I mean it stinks that I got the error message when trying to accept an important item but I couldn't resist smiling at his sad little self. I might make him into a panda at some later date.

Any who, this image is kind of summing up my night. First of all I won't have off tomorrow. I agreed to work for Samantha so she doesn't get in anymore trouble at her other job. Not that I had much planned for day off #2 in a row except going to the bank to deposit my paycheck and mail off my tax return. That'll have to wait for Thursday.

Which brings us to the second point, Thursday. I have been hinting and mentioning to Sam about the 17th. We're both off and that I have tickets to attend the St. Patty's game between the Marlins and Cardinals down at the stadium. He said that he wasn't sure because well its so far away and he wasn't sure if he'd have off. Well, we were talking a little yesterday about everything he had gotten done on his one of two days off that week - most important being scheduling Nutmeg for her spay and rabies shots for Thursday. The very same Thursday as the game. I didn't say anything about it yesterday but apparently he realized it today and apologized.

I'm not really mad, just bummed out. I guess because I've been trying to plan it only for the past few weeks. Nutmeg's appointment is at 7:30am and the game isn't until 1:05pm, I mean so maybe it could still happen. He did keep saying on the phone sorry and we'll see. So I guess we'll see. I might still go...even if it is by my lonesome.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


The last time I was at the Florida Renaissance Festival (FLaRF) was in 2009 with Holly and Heather. I didn't go last year because of work at the stadium and this year is going to turn out the same, sadly. I haven't had the time to work on my costume either. My costumes are more on the fantasy side and are not period accurate, but I don't mind. I would like to have a period appropriate piece but I don't want to give up my fox tail! (seen below) The comments are fun too!!
I would like to take it a step further and construct some ears for myself. I'd wear them on a headband so they would cover my people ears. I was going to start working on them last year but time kind of got away from me. So anyways, I'm shooting for 2012 and with hopefully a completed costume.

Its kind of weird now that I think about it. I don't even remember not going to the faire last year. So sad. I remember posting a status this year about not going and Heather (I knew she would be the first to comment) said it was the saddest thing she had heard all year. I miss the faire. It was such a nice weekend getaway, since I would usually leave on a Friday (when I was up at school) stay with my Aunt Inc, go to the faire on Saturday for the day and then relax a little on Sunday before heading back up to school or home. How can you not love the faire? Its the perfect escape from reality and everyday stress or worry.

All this reminiscing is nice but man does time fly by on a Sunday morning/afternoon. I have to get ready to go and watch a couple's pair of dogs at 2p.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If I may...

I want to confess that for reasons unknown I'm terrified of tornadoes. I can remember when I was younger being frightened of thunderstorms and especially lightning. Now that I'm older it doesn't bother me so much anymore. I'm actually fascinated with lightning. My only exception is when the particularly strong storms that occur during the night. I anxious and develop a frustrating sense of paranoia when it comes to the particular "t-word". I used to get terrible night tremors and they felt so real that when I would try and go back to sleep the visions would remain so clear in my head. I couldn't watch anything close to bed time because I feared it would create these hideous visions. I can't watch the Wizard of Oz anymore...not that I ever enjoyed the film to begin with.
Sometimes at night when the weather is bad, as it is tonight, I can't fall asleep because my mind is constantly at work thinking and worrying about it. I'll leave the light on, hugging my Twinkles, (and now wishing I had my Panda near - that's my pet name for Sam) and eventually if I'm able to, fall asleep.

Update: Fingers Crossed

This is an update to my January 16th post "Fingers Crossed" about the temporary wildlife research job. I never did hear anything back about it and the poster has since removed the ad from the site. I hate applying to jobs online because they never seem to pan out the way I would like. I got lucky with the stadium job, which I'm thankful I was called back even earlier than the February orientation date. My first day back was yesterday afternoon. And I'm actually going in a little later today to continue with unpacking and setup.
This was the setup of the checkout counter during last season. Horribly setup around the center column in the store. It was awkward to work with other people behind there especially when it got busy. Luckily LG, the store manager felt the same way and sought to change some things after September when baseball was over. And tada!

The new checkout counter is one, nice straight line near the back wall by our in-store storage and the entrance to the ticket office door. I think its so much nicer because it really opens up the store, and the cashiers don't have to be constantly moving around the column to keep an eye on the customers behind us, and what's really nice is no curious customers are poking around the storage and ticket office door. I just hope a lot of the older ladies who will be back will accept the change.

Well I'm off to get ready for another day of work. Later!

(images obtained from LG's facebook photo album)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

2011 Memory Walk

(image courtesy of

I'm very excited to be participating in this year's Memory Walk! I've never really done anything like this before so I hope I'll be ready. I'm going to start working out this week (finally!).

I've already recruited my mom and my friend Megs to walk with me. My mom and I will be walking for my Grandad who currently has Dementia. Megs expressed to me that she wishes to walk for her Grandfather who passed away 3 years ago after suffering from Alzheimers. Hmm, maybe I'll be able to drag Sam out too, since he's been complaining about getting back in shape. Anywho, we'll be walking at Tradition on March 26, Saturday.

(image through DeviantArt : Bike Ride by *allmixedupp)

A way I'm hoping to get in gear for the big walk is through daily exercise either at the gym or biking with my friend Ashley. First things first of course...I need to get a bike. Maybe I'll talk Sam into going with me if I have a free day when he is off and he isn't too tired. This will be great for my New Year's Resolution of getting back into shape as well.

Anywho, I've got to turn in a little early tonight. I'm going to be working down at the stadium tomorrow morning. Extremely happy about that because I'll feel like a productive member of society again. Hopefully, I'll have plenty of time for everything else I've got on my plate - exercise, family, boyfriend, and continuing looking for another job. Night everyone!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I almost forgot to mention that on Thursday, Sam and I welcomed the newest member to the pack. A 3-4 month old red/chocolate Boston Terrier female named Nutmeg. She is such a bundle of energy and we have to say, she's giving Hooligan a run for his money since they are both at the same active level....which I don't think he was expecting.
We weren't expecting her to be such a fast learner though. I think by Friday she was already responding pretty well to her name. Hooligan still doesn't on a regular basis. And the best thing is she is such a cuddler!! She loves being next to her people, falling asleep in their laps and of course giving kisses, which we're trying to teach her to give on command. We have to be careful though when she's sleeping because she is highly prone to farting and boy are they deadly.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fingers Crossed

(image courtesy of Biodiversity Research Institute, Melissa Duron a Wildlife Research Biologist and Data QA/QC Manager)

Just applied to job ad looking for a part-time temporary wildlife research position on local wildlife in the West PSL area. It didn't say anything in relation to experience in the field so I'm hoping for a temporary position of 3-4 hours per week for 1-3 months at $7.50 an hour, it'll pan out. I'm really really looking to get away from the retail sector and into a relative animal care/wildlife position. Not sure exactly what type of research is going to be conducted, so hopefully I'll get some positive feedback.

Speaking of work and retail, orientation at the stadium starts on February 1st. I'm happy in a sense because I'll be working and I already know everyone there but not because well its retail and I'd rather be around animals but I shouldn't complain too much. My situation could be worse - no job at all.

I think this wildlife research position will be a good boost for job experience and to get me back on the researching track. That way I can get better at hitting my deadlines and maybe get to writing articles on both wolves and wildlife. I've been trying to do that for the past month but I've been hitting a few literary blocks so to speak.

Mood: Feeling a little icky sicky and cuddling with Nutmeg on the couch
Watching: Real Housewives of Atlanta - Don't ask me why lol

Monday, January 10, 2011

Valentine's Day

Lobo love, I'm getting an early jump on Valentine's Day shopping for my love. It's a month away and I wasn't planning on looking this morning but thanks to an email from Etsy, I contacted the seller just a few minutes ago about personalization on the item. My gift is going to be grand!! He's going to get the 2 small little "gag/funny" gifts and this personalized one. I still have to get working on those paintings too but they're not intended to be given as gifts for a special occasion.

I would love to delve into the incredible find but I never know who my be reading this post. But will definitely do so after the fact. Now I just have to wait to hear back from the seller before going any further with purchase.

watching: Maury
(image: I heart my new tattoo by ~lolly890)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years everyone! Sam and I tried our best to stay up for the big event but around 10:30 we couldn't make it any longer. We had our early New Year's kiss and zonked out. Yesterday, according to Sam, was our "last night of debauchery" (when it comes to diet and lifestyle). It's true though, we both need to get back in shape, he just finished cutting out the seams to one of his uniform shirts because its too tight with him and his vest.
Weight loss seems to be one of the big resolutions out there this year. On my MSN homepage was an article on 13 Ways to Keep Off Pesky Pounds for Good. I'm looking forward to slimming back down hopefully to my 125 or somewhere around there but also to shape up my arms and tummy at the same time.